๐ŸŽฏValidator target stake

The Vault offers a 'direct staking' option for your SOL. While you can stake your SOL in our dApp directly to support every allowlisted community, it is also possible to choose a validator to which you can direct all your stake.

Communities are encouraged to share their validator directed stake page to their communities in order to attract maximum stake.

Tracking directed stake

In order to keep track of your directed stake, you need to keep your vSOL in one of these places:

  • Your wallet

  • The vSOL Quarry

  • The Saber vSOL-SOL LP

  • The vSOL-SOL quarry

  • Meteora DLMM any pool that has vSOL as one of the mints

  • Orca Whirlpool SOL-vSOL with 0.01% fee

  • Kamino Lending for Main Market & vSOL Multiply

If you move your vSOL anywhere else we lose track of it, meaning the stake will be directed to all validators again. When you move your vSOL back into one of these locations, we will automatically pick up the directed stake settings again and redelegate the next epochs.

Last updated